At the age of 20, I (John) experienced one of the most significant experiences in my life, an experience that would shape me forever. 5 weeks in Poland, studying, ministering and serving. Since that day I have felt the call to repeat the program for other young leaders. This week that has begun.
The Emerging Leaders Program has begun!

Two young ladies arrived at our house last Monday, June 27. Jill and Joy. Sunday night I told Heather, "I am not sure who is more excited, these girls who are visiting Peru for a month or me!". It has been an incredible time. We have started a bunch of different aspects of the program, starting to read a number of different books, studying different themes in the Bible, looking at leaders in the Bible, having a reflection/journal/prayer time each day and have grown closer as a community. Finally they are on their first adventure this weekend. Visiting a pueblo joven (young town) in the north of Lima. They are sleeping with dirt floors with no showers, seeing a ministry led by incredible Peruvians to minister to a very poor and forgotten group of people. We can't wait for them to get back tonight to tell us all about it and start another week of studying and reflection.

Joy in the patio for her hour every morning.

Jill at the park for her hour every morning.
Pray for them and us as we grow in the knowledge and wisdom of our Lord Jesus Christ!
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