We have so many exciting things happening in our ministry and home life to share.
NATIONAL MINISTRY TEAMS: John just returned from Chile working to advance the ministry there. In Peru, ministry is moving forward as the Board of Directors of EGM-Peru (with Heather) is working hard to host the largest event ever organized by any EGM ministry. The Interdenominational Children Ministry Congress will host 1,000 children’s workers and Christian leaders to hear from Founder and President Daniel Watts in a ministry launch on August 4-6, 2011. Please pray with us for this event.
NEW MINISTRIES: John took his first trip to Argentina in April to meet all EGM’s past contacts and is making plans to go back in June 7-13th to advance the ministry there. Although many Argentine leaders are eager to start EGM-Argentina, we need your prayers as we search for THE person who will spearhead the work and drive the ministry forward. We are also praying for God’s leading on the other two countries (currently unknown) that ministries will begin to move forward in the coming year. Please pray with us!
On the Home front, Heather is doing well, as we anxiously await the arrival of our new baby boy on August 9th (yes three days after the major Peru event!). Eliana is enjoying 1st grade in her new school. Josiah is playing “Super Heros” at school. Mica is now 2 1/2 and working hard to get potty trained!
We had a rare opportunity to have a get away without the kids in May for our 10th wedding Anniversary celebration (Actually in July, but Heather would not be able to travel at that point). It was an amazing time to be together and see the Iguassu Falls in Brasil.
Please continue to pray for our ministry finances. We’ve expanded our ministry this year and it requires significantly more money than we were needing in the past. Our goal is $3000/month of new giving and we have reached $1200 so far. We are praying for another $1800/month. We know it is a huge amount, but also know that God has called us here and He is able. Thank you for your prayers about finances.
Winter has come upon us in Lima, the sun is now hiding and we will miss it for the next 6 months or so but we remain cheerful, grateful for your partnership with us here in South America.
Serving His Children,
John and Heather Chapman

Argentina Shirts from John's Trip to Argentina!

Heather and the Kids at the end of Summer, when there was sun. No more sun until November!
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