Greetings from gloomy Lima, Peru. Yes the gloom has arrived, what in the past has been a 7-9 month period of no sun and no rain has given us a few surprises already this winter. We have seen more rain then ever before (not too much) and the sun has graciously shown its face a few times too. We’d like to share with you some things to pray about; if you would like to receive this in email form only, just let us know at mail@johnandheather.com.
One of this month’s most significant highlights is the Emerging Leaders Program. Two young ladies (20 and 23 years old) have been living with us for 3 weeks now and will finish their time in PerĂº on the 29th of July. It has been a blessing to take them through Bible studies, book studies and new experiences in cross-cultural ministry. They will depart just before Heather gives birth to our final addition to the Chapman family - a little baby boy (Due August 9).
With the arrival of our new baby boy we also have an influx of exciting visitors, Nonnie (Heather’s mom) July 27-Aug 25, Grandpa (Heather’s Dad) Aug 2-15, and Auntie Jen (Heather’s sister) Aug 18-31. Wow, that is going to be a full, fun house! Plus Daniel Watts and Rick Fortier for the Conference in Peru! We are very excited to have the visitors.
Ministry wise we are moving forward with the ministry in Argentina, praying about a key leader there who will do all the footwork for founding EGM-Argentina. John has been able to work with a number of contacts during his trip to Argentina the first week in June, and in September he will return for the training of this key leader.
The ministry in Peru is keeping us all busy as well. EGM-Peru does not have a fulltime director and they are waiting to see how their major fundraiser will turn out August 4,5 and 6. Please pray as we have finished the distribution of 12,000 flyers and 1500 posters to churches all over Lima. We are praying that 1,000 children’s workers will come to the three day conference and learn about EGM, be encouraged in ministry and finally be excited to learn how they can receive support in the future.
Chile is an amazing place with hundreds of children’s workers being trained and supported over the last quarter. John will participate via Skype at the Board meeting on July 30 and return to Chile in September to help with a new Board training.
God continues to provide for our finances, however our travel and ministry plans are all tentative, pending the arrival of the funds we need to advance the ministry work.
We are all dependent on our Heavenly Father for His provision and we are humbled as His people continue to respond to the need. We are still short of our monthly giving need, please continue to keep this in your prayers.
As this comes to a close, we ask for prayer for the birth of our precious baby boy. That his brother, sisters, mother and father will all be prepared to receive this special gift from God.
Serving His Children,
John and Heather Chapman
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