The story below is not related to the above photo, except that they are all children in PerĂº.
David* was a troubled little boy. At only nine years old his mother would say of him, “He’s hopeless! He never obeys. I can’t control him.” She had resigned herself and so had he. Most days he left for school in the morning and never got there, wandering the streets aimlessly during school hours, “making trouble.”
The EGM-trained children’s ministry leaders from the church in his village started noticing him around on the streets. They would stop to talk to him, take an interest in his life and question why he was not in school. David began coming to the church’s children’s ministry programs. While there the leaders would hug him, show him affection and tell him that he was a GOOD boy and that he was truly wonderful. To this he would look up into their eyes and ask outloud, “Really? Are you telling me the truth?”
After a while it came to the church’s attention that one of the reasons David never wanted to be at home was because of the severe physical abuse he received from his father. At home it was a downward spiral of shame, abuse and increased disobedience. But at church, he heard about and experienced a love that saw through all of that. David heard for possibly the first time that someone loved him no matter what mistakes he had made.
His children’s ministry leader says, “Ahora vemos cambios.” Now we see change. Is it really that simple? Is it possible that to see Christ transform a child’s life, it only has to begin with a hug and a smile?
(*we always change children’s names out of respect for their privacy.)
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