I got a facebook message from my 5th Grade Sunday School teachers. They said, “So proud of you as you serve the Lord”. It started me thinking. What if I didn’t have David and Tina Smith as my childhood Sunday School Teachers? What if they didn’t have curriculum to help them teach me God’s Word? What if they had had no support, training or personal experience to help them minister to me? What if their only experiences when they were children consisted of listening to lectures in straight silent rows? What if they didn’t have chairs for me to sit in, a roof for me to be under, a place for us to meet? What if David and Tina Smith’s passion for kids had died in the church pew because they had no support, no resources, and it was just too hard to change a child’s life for eternity?
Would I be here? Would I still wake up every day with the fire in my heart to reach the thousands upon thousands of children who need the Lord? God has asked me to help countless children in the world have someone in their life like my Dave and Tina Smith. That work has started already in Peru. Now we are setting out on a project. A project that with God’s provision and guidance will impact thousands of children with His love - transforming the lives of children all over the continent of South America. A couple months ago you got a mailer from us reporting on our first 3 years and asking you to join us for our next project – expanding our mission from just Peru to all of South America. (Please find all the details at www.johnandheather.com)
We also have to let you know that the financial situation of our ministry fund is putting these plans on shaky ground. In order for us to continue following God’s leading, reaching more and more children throughout South America, our ministry fund needs $3000 per month more than what supporters are giving now. That means that this next 3-year project in South America requires $100,000 of additional giving. While the enormity of that number is daunting to us, in our hearts it’s balanced by the enormity of the need and our calling to it. We believe that God will continue to show His faithfulness to the children of South America through you.
We’ve been thinking about what it means to be in need. We find ourselves in need of a large increase in ministry funding. Even as we consider our own need, we are continually humbled by the need around us. Children all over South America are in need of the Lord and the Life He offers them. They need Every Generation Ministries to equip and empower their church leaders to minister to them and see their lives transformed. A little child is vulnerable, needy, completely dependent. Christmas reminds us that Jesus chose to enter into that reality and now, I’m sure, never has forgotten what it’s like to be a child in need.
We come to you, humbly sharing our need, to ask that you would partner with us as we stand with the Christ child and with children all over South America. Thanks for reading, and know that we’ll be praying for God to provide for all of your needs as well.
Serving His Children in South America,
John and Heather Chapman
Financial Support:
Every Generation Ministries / PO Box 891179 / Temecula, CA 92589
www.egmworld.org (Click “Donate Now” then “Ministry Purpose: Support an EGM Missionary: Chapman”)
John and Heather Chapman / Valle Riestra 556 / Pueblo Libre, Lima 21 / PERU
949-226-8553 / www.johnandheather.com
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