I haven't told you about KATY!!!
She is awesome. I am continually amazed by the dynamic and gifted teachers i see in Peru.
Katy grew up in the Children's ministry at her Church. She is now a young lady and LOVES to serve the children at her church. Her church is a small storefront, her pastor is an amazing servant of God who has attend numerous trainings of EGM and implementing them in his work with his Sunday School teachers. Katy has never attended and training but is learning from her pastor and making a difference.
Despite her obvious God given gifts to work with children, she is still struggling. She struggles with a basic outline of how to structure her time with children. She doesn't just want to read the Bible, sing a song and color a coloring page. She wants to learn new ways to make the Bible real and alive to the children in her church and community. that is why we are here. That is what we are doing. Helping teachers like Katy to make the Bible come alive to the children that she has contact with.
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