Sunday School teachers

Sunday night I was invited by Pastor Daniel Leon Cuenca, one of our future volunteer trainers here in Peru, to come speak to a group of Sunday School teachers from his area. It was amazing. He had advertised on his one-hour daily Christian radio program and 50 teachers came!

I get these requests all the time and truthfully, i say no. I say no for so many reasons, but mainly because i want to empower Peruvians to do it. Because he is a future trainer of EGM-Peru, i wanted him to see me do it. I also wanted to give another Board member the chance to share about the ministry. So we went!

It was an incredible evening. The teachers were great and received the information very well. We announced EGM-Peru's big conference in March and they cheered. The begged and invited me to come to their individual churches to help them and I was once again reminded of the need that far too few people are addressing. There are thousands of teachers who want and need help. It was an encouragement to why we are here in Peru.

These are Pastor Daniel's kids. He has dedicated himself to ministering to children. He teaches values education in schools as an outreach and focuses his church ministry on children. He has a service of adults on Sunday nights and leads the ministry to children on Sunday morning. His church building is a small storefront that seats 6 people across. He lives with his wife and children in the one room above the church. It is humbling and a blessing to see his heart for children.

There are so many people who are dedicated to children, and they do so making huge personal sacrifices, with or without any support, encouragement, training or materials. It is these kind of people who are an inspiration to us and to our team at EGM. Our hearts beat to support them, help them and cheer for them! Making their ministry to children more effective, more long-lasting, more life-transformational - so that more and more children will know Jesus and live His New LIFE.