El Paraiso de Santa Maria

Our friends' ministry in "El Paraiso de Santa Maria," (which by the way is far from a paradise) has given us the opportunity on a couple occasions to teach the kids about generosity. We tell Eliana that we are going to go visit some kids who have very few toys, and since she has lots of toys, maybe she wants to give some to them. She carefully and joyfully selects them and then passes them out to kids when we go.

On this trip, Robbie and Elita had planned a "de-parasite campaign" of distributing pills. For many people in this community, the cost in gas or firewood to boil the water is just too high, so they end up with parasites that cause severe malnourishment, especially in children.

Here's me and Elita with her uncle and her mom, in front of her mom's home.