Early Morning

Life sometimes gets us up early. More and more that has been the case around here. With three children under 4 years old, nights tend to be as adventures as daytime. Winter has come - causing coughs, cold weather, and dry throats. A mid night trip to the bathroom (for the two oldest, Josiah wears a diaper at night be frequently doesn't want to go in it) is not uncommon, and at six month the third has had a strong desire to nurse twice every night for the last month (before that sleeping 10-12 hours).  Also the calling for a pacifier that has fallen or the rare need to change the sheets on the upper bunk bed is not the most welcome call in the middle of the night.  But as i "complain", would i really want it any other way? Putting aside all the sleepless nights and hectic days, i couldn't enjoy more the life that we are living. Loving to wrestle, loving to play, loving school (i think it is the social life at 2 and 4), loving pink and purple (funny how a two year old boy loves the favorite colors of his 4 year old sister), and truly missing each other when they are apart, to just mention a few.  It is a joy to be on this adventure.
If one sacrifice I must make is not sleeping through the night, for the life i have now, i am in. You are going to talk to Heather if you want her opinion.
As the sun is rising i hear "even if we are miles and miles and miles apart" "All i want to do is be with you!" (song, highschool musical 3) being sung at the top of her lungs from the top bunk.