A Woman who Inspires me

I know a woman who shares Every Generation Ministry's love for children. She longs for them to know the love of Jesus and is pained when they suffer.

Recently while running an errand, she came in contact with five children who were living on a dirt lot with a tarp for shelter, with no running water or electricity, scant food and no shoes. Rather than looking on with pity and walking by, she stopped, found out about their lives and befriended them. On her next day off she paid an hour's worth of her wages to take the two hour bus back to see them and bring them love and some clothes. That night she fed her own three children a more simple meal than usual. Her teenage daughter got a hole in her only pair of pants. She took a quick cold shower and laid down to get ready for the next hard day's work.

Despite the financial strain that she faces every day, she is not crippled from doing good. She is not overwhelmed by her stresses, but clings to hope and trusts in Jesus to meet her needs.