Mimi and Papa came to visit

I went to the airport to get my parents with Michaela (1 month old) !

Mimi got right in on the new trampoline that Mimi and Papa, Nonnie and Grandpa and others gave to the kids for Christmas!

Mimi and Papa in the Lima Plaza

Quite an adventures group.

Mimi got tired pretty fast.

We went to this really cool fountain park in Lima!

We went to the Beach - San Bartolo - for two days.

Our Peruvian friends came over to play music for my parents.

We got to show my parents the church we go to and they invited her to come and teach at a conference for children's workers... am i suprised??? no!

The claw... this actually cuased my smiles!

OH! did they have some fun!

We stopped by real quick Brian and Rachel's house (some missionary friends in Peru) to show our parents that we actually do know some North Americans in Peru!

It was a great time to be with family. Mom had a hard time with the driving in Lima, she thought we were near death most of the time that we were in the taxi, van or bus.

Thanks mom and dad for making it so wonderful to share a little of our life here with you!