Final Days of 4

This is my favorite picture of the year. It was such a beautiful time and a beautiful day. And as the final days of the Chapman family of 4 come to an end it is amazing to think of how our life will change in the days and years ahead. Heather is doing quite well with things happening every day inside her to prepare her body for what lays ahead. We are grateful to our Lord for the gift of pregnancy and birth and thankful for the privilege to be parents.

We will let you know with plenty of pictures the day and time that our little addition will be added to make us a family of five.

Thank you for your prayers in the days to come.


Baley Lillie said...

Oh what a sweet, sweet post! How precious for your kids & wife to know how special they are to you when they read this in the future as they reflect on their life in Peru! We miss you guys and wish you a Merry Christmas! How funny to have Christmas in the summer:)