"Yes! Jesus loves me, though it makes me very sad"

Yes, that is what is coming from the mouth our two year old. She sings the chorus over and over and always ends with "it makes me very sad" (confusing lines in the song that don't go together). Truthfully she doesn't exactly know what she is saying. Hey that sounds like me sometimes, not exactly knowing what I am saying. Well, we ARE singing the song around her more and more to attempt to instill the correct words. This is the life of the Chapmans. Trying to change the way we speak to make it sound right to everyone else... and understand it ourselves.

Well life is your typical two child under the age of three family. Plenty of daipers, crying, abrupt moments in the night to wake and care for a crying children. Two kids sleeping in the same room doesn't help the hour we arise in the morning, generally between 5-6am. There are the unexplainable joys as well. Josiah loves to play with his sister and Eliana loves to play with his brother. They laugh at each other, push each other in the toy stroller (see videos in November) and push and hit each other. Ellie loves music and can be found dancing to Jana Alyra or ANY other music she hears. Oh and Josiah is seen pulling up on anything and clapping at any song, laugh, or noise he heres that isn't talking.

God is good and life is grand. Challenges abound with children, life, food, talking, and school, but we are blessed. We have people beating down my door for new Blog posts because people like you care about the lives of the Chapmans and are praying for us. We can feel the prayers like you don't understand. Our lives of full of joys. Our major concerns are "how to learn the language faster?" "how to love our kids and spouse more?" and "how do you adjust to a new culture and country?". God is absolutely in this time and place and we could not be more grateful for who He is in our life. Thank you for reading and being interested in this great adventure. We couldn't and wouldn't be here without those of you who are faithfully praying and supporting us.
